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The Future of Medicine: Frequencies & the Pineal Gland

Writer's picture: Karen PierceKaren Pierce

Disclaimer:  I am not a medical doctor, and this blog is not a diagnostic tool.  The content here is for informational and educational purposes only.  Readers should consult their own doctor or a qualified healthcare professional for specific health concerns and questions.

"In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours,

healing was accomplished by moving energy ".

- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, biochemist & Nobel Prize winner

Pineal & Pinocchio

Most people are familiar with the entertainment complex created by Walt Disney.  What is interesting to note is that there are many symbols and signs to freemasonry throughout his works – from Bambi’s father being named “The Great Prince of the Forest” (which is one of the titles given to masons) to Donald Duck wearing a masonic ring to the movie National Treasure (2004) and finally Pinocchio.


Most people are familiar with the children’s classic story of the wooden puppet that desperately wants to become a real “boy”.   To do so, he must stop telling lies.


Let’s first look at his name.  Pin (pine) and occhio (Italian for eye) you have “pine eye”.  Some esoteric traditions view Pinocchio’s journey as a metaphor for human spiritual awakening, transformation, and the soul’s path towards enlightenment.


Historically, the pineal gland has been associated with the "third eye" or "inner eye," which is believed to be the seat of intuition, spiritual insight, and higher states of consciousness. René Descartes, a famous philosopher, referred to the pineal gland as the "principal seat of the soul."  In various spiritual traditions, achieving higher states of consciousness can occur by activating our pineal gland and the third eye through practices like meditation, yoga, and certain breathing techniques.


The story of Pinocchio and the concept of the pineal gland both involve themes of awakening and seeing beyond ordinary reality.  Just as Pinocchio learns to distinguish truth from illusion, the activation of the pineal gland is thought to enable individuals to perceive deeper truths and attain higher spiritual insights. So really, Pinocchio is just a metaphor for our pineal gland.

I mentioned how important the pineal gland is to our spiritual evolution in the March musings.  Although it is a small pea-sized, pinecone shaped gland at the base of the brain, many cultures link it to the third eye and 6th chakra. 


There are ancient depictions of Sumerian Gods holding pinecones, representing the pineal gland.  The ancient Egyptian also understood the superpowers of this gland as characterized by the eye of Horus.  The eye of Horus is similarly shaped to the human brain.  Even at the Vatican, sits a giant pinecone shaped statue and the staff the pope carries with him also has a pinecone engraved on it.  Buddha’s head is shaped like a pinecone with a swirl in the center of his forehead indicating his supernatural wisdom which emanates from the pineal gland.


So why do all major religions and ancient civilizations revere this little know gland? 

In Hinduism, the pineal gland is represented by the Ajna chakra, the 6th energy center.  The symbol that represents this chakra is 2 connected lotus petals representing the left & right hemispheres of the brain.  The pineal gland unites those 2 hemispheres which allows both sides of your brain to communicate.  (Remember my epigenetics musing about “junk” DNA, and how we only use 5% of our brain power? And also the Schumann Resonance musing about all these illuminating energies activating our pineal & clairs?) 


The third eye is mentioned in sacred texts such as the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Bible.  This gland contains the same rod cells that exist in our eyes to perceive light & color.  That would indicate that our pineal - our 3rd eye - is similar to our 2 eyes.  I’ve mentioned the pineal gland here and here.

Recently, Israeli scientists discovered rhombohedral crystals in the pineal gland.  These pineal crystals (that are embedded within the pineal gland) operate like a type of cosmic-antennae that can be tuned to the higher vibrational-realms of light.   The belief is the pineal gland emits light, that’s why they call it enlightenment. 


These crystals also have piezoelectric properties which means they can become electromagnetically activated from the biorhythm of your body.  So, the shape of these crystals gives the pineal gland amazing properties.  Once activated, they build their own electromagnetic field so that you can send & receive transmissions from the Universe and other higher vibrational dimensions. Your body is piezo-electric!


“The eye is the lamp of the body, so if your eye is healthy,

your whole body will be full of light.”

~ Matthew 6:22

This passage says “eye” not “eyes”.  Many believe it’s saying if your 3rd eye is open, you’ll be illuminated.  Eyes wide open…all 3 of them!


Multiverse & Dimensions

Scientists at CERN, home to the world’s largest particle collider, have found evidence of up to 11 dimensions.  This supports the idea of a multiverse, a concept backed by quantum physics.  Essentially, this means that everything that has happened or could happen exists within these higher dimensions/realities.  The simple act of visualizing & imagining something allows you to interact with these other realms.  That means all versions of your life and every possible outcome already exists in a parallel universe or reality in these upper dimensions.  Think of the TV series Flash.  Your best life is already happening right now in an alternate universe.  The pineal gland gives you access to all these possibilities once it’s activated.  We are multi-dimensional beings that can interact with all these different dimensions. 


Nikola Tesla made groundbreaking discoveries about the universe, but his inventions were suppressed by big business because they threatened their profits.  After Tesla died alone in a hotel room, the government quickly seized all his work and classified it.  Many believe that Tesla’s research included methods for generating unlimited, free electricity using the Earth’s electromagnetic field and ways to activate the pineal gland to access higher dimensions of consciousness.  Imagine being able to heal your body without the use of pharmaceuticals?  To unlock the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.  The life of your dreams is limited only by your mind.

What is considered as empty space

is just a manifestation of matter that is not awakened.”

~Nikola Tesla

Your pineal gland needs to be healthy to be activated.  By the time we’re 6-years old, this gland is being polluted.  By adulthood, 97% of people’s pineal gland is covered with calcium; it’s becoming calcified.  The hardening keeps you in a low vibrational state and has serious health effects on the body.


Currently 5.2 million people in the United States suffer from Alzheimer’s disease—a chronic neurological illness that can last anywhere from 3 to 20 years.  Did you know that 60% of those living in nursing homes have a cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia?


The potential link between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease has been a topic of scientific investigation and debate since the 1960s.  Experiments on animals and cell cultures have shown that high levels of aluminum can be neurotoxic.  Research examining aluminum levels in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease has produced mixed results.  Aluminum is present in various sources including food, water, air, and consumer products such as antiperspirants and cookware. The primary route of exposure for most people is through food and water.  There are studies that suggest a possible association between high levels of aluminum in drinking water and an increased risk of Alzheimer's. However, these findings are not universally consistent, and more research is needed to fully understand the potential role of aluminum.  Scientists are also investigating other metals and their potential impact on overall health.

There was a 2012 paper published by Harvard University and a more recent 2020 study by NIH about fluoride lowering children’s IQs.  There are 27 other peer reviewed papers talking about the neurological damage of drinking fluorinated water.  This February, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was sued for the addition of fluoridation chemicals in public water supplies and admits fluoride exposure causes harm.  And…fluoride is attracted to the pineal gland like a magnet.


Did you also know Prozac, a popular anxiety drug to induce “sleepiness”, contains Fluoxetine which is made up of 18.5% fluoride?  The FDA labels fluoride as a “drug” while the EPA labels it as “toxic waste”.  It’s more toxic than lead!  You need permission to administer a drug to someone so why is the government slowly poisoning the population via fluoride toxicity without their consent?   It also calcifies your pineal gland, your connection to Source.  It shuts you down spiritually. 


In 1978 the CIA was exploring UFOs, paranormal phenomena and psychic experiments including opening the 3rd eye and pineal gland in a secret government program called The Stargate Project.   These recruits, after a detox process to cleanse their pineal gland, were able to remotely view military complexes of our enemies, even on other continents.  Remote viewing is a paranormal ability to gather information about a distant object, event, person, or location hidden from physical view. Just like some police departments use psychics to assist solving crimes or finding missing persons, some believe the government still uses psychic spies to this day.


Another way to detox or purify anything deemed “negative” is through transfiguration.  Sandra Ingerman has done many group gatherings to transmute polluted water using a diagnostic camera to capture the results.  If you remember from March 2021’s musing, while in a transfigured state of divine light, Jesus worked miraculous healings. 


A secret a lot of the great wise people (like Jesus) used throughout the ages was alchemy.  Alchemy is an ancient philosophy that base metals/molten lead can be transmuted & transformed into the purest form of Gold.  Spiritual alchemy is discovering the “gold” frequency within yourself.   You can use this radiating light technique to include anything from water to fluoride to alcohol, etc.  Light heals, transmutes, and raises vibrations.


Vibration in quantum physics means that everything is energy and emits a vibration that falls on the Scale of Consciousness.  There are two categories of vibration: positive & negative. In the Andean healing traditions, they say energy exists as sami (light & high) or hucha (heavy & dense).


We are vibrating beings of certain frequencies, and every thought or feeling produces a frequency that emits out to the universe.  And like a boomerang, the universe (Source) responds to your frequency – the law of attraction.  The universe only understands the frequency that you are vibrating at, and you will attract whatever supports that frequency. 

Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.
~ Awoken truth

According to the book “The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac”, there are ascended master beings called Moramiams.  They are conscious conduits of the Creator’s consciousness and speak light language.  They are said to be from the first heaven and are the keepers of the flames of knowledge & wisdom.  I love this idea that knowledge is based on 3 principles of creational thought:

  • Thought (the original thought);

  • Thought-thought (deliberating on the original positive or negative thought);

  • and using free will to create or terminate the thought (and if created, being responsible for the cause & effect of that thought).


That’s why it’s important to be consciously aware of your thoughts and words so that you maintain a high frequency and radiate positivity.  This includes surrounding yourself with positive people, paying attention to the lyrics and music you listen to, the shows or movies you choose to watch, keeping your environment (at home or work) clean & organized, and the fastest way to raise your vibration is being in a state of gratitude. If you are vibrating in the frequency of love (500), peace (600), and gratitude (700), you will attract a similar vibration.  Your intention can cause very powerful things to happen, whether they be monstrous or magic.   You attract exactly what you vibrate into your life so take responsibility for your choices.  That’s creational thought, manifesting, or what the shamans call dreaming the world into being. 

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want & you cannot help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy.  This is physics.

~ Albert Einstein

Quantum Mechanics

According to quantum physics, a particle vibrating due to your sound when you speak can affect a molecule inside a star at the edge of the Universe instantly.  This phenomenon is known as quantum entanglement.  Think of it as 2 particles together will vibrate together no matter if they’re separated.  The greatest illusion of this Universe is the illusion of separation.


Masaru Emoto revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm.  He is most notably known for studying how the molecular structure of water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds, and intentions.  However, he has been criticized for poor methodology, some say these experiments could not be consistently replicated, and their work would stand up to the scrutiny of peer review.  Luckily, other researchers are establishing double-blind experiments with success.


Experiments demonstrating how frequencies can influence water patterns, as seen in cymatics, provide a visual representation of how sound and vibration manifest physically within water.  These studies not only validate Tesla’s theories, but also open avenues for understanding how vibrational medicine and healing practices might work by aligning water’s vibrational properties with the body’s natural frequencies.


Marcel Vogel became famous in the 1980’s for creating the Vogel crystal.  In one experiment, he focused his mind on an oleate of cholesterol for an hour, while visualizing the Blessed Mother.  The imprint from his mind imprinted the mental image into a visible appearance in the liquid crystals of the cholesterol.  He demonstrated the ability of crystals to receive and hold stable imprints coming directly from the human mind.  Mind over matter! 


Every cell is eavesdropping on your mental conversation and everything you feel.  What are you communicating to you about yourself?  This is why mindfulness & intention in every action are so important.  Our thoughts and words carry powerful vibrational energies that can influence the world around us.  By consciously choosing positivity, love (500), peace (600), and gratitude (700), we emit frequencies that resonate with the universe’s natural state of harmony, attracting experiences and outcomes that reflect these qualities.  Meditation can serve as a bridge between the physical reality and the vibrational energies of the universe.

Resonance:  Sound & Music

According to Science World, “when a sound is produced, it causes the air molecules to bump into their neighbouring molecules, who then bump into their neighbours, and so on.  There is a progression of collisions that pass through the air as a sound wave.”  When we hear something, we are sensing the vibrations of air.  The number of vibrations per second is known as frequency, measured in Hertz (1 Hz = 1 vibration per second).  It takes 3 different vibrations to hear a sound: (1) the object that makes the noise vibrate, (2) the air molecules vibrate as the sound moves through the air, and (3) the eardrum vibrates when the sound wave reaches it.  In other words…vibrate, vibrate, vibrate!


The law of physics shows that a human singer at the right frequency and amplification can shatter glass.  This is called resonance.  The singer’s voice displaces nearby air particles, which crash into the glass like invisible waves.


The visionary Rudolf Steiner understood that music is a powerful force for transformation, impacting our emotions, moods, and overall health. He believed that music brings harmony and balance into our lives. Music, or sound, is a tangible expression of the fundamental energy that forms the geometric nature of physical matter. 


Ancient sages and philosophers from various traditions had a deep understanding of how sound influences reality, an understanding referred to as Sacred Sound or Sacred Geometry, which I believe are synonymous. The interaction between sound vibration and physical matter is well-documented, notably in the work of Dr. Hans Jenny.  His pioneering research in Cymatics demonstrates how music can shape matter.


In Insights into the Invisible World of Sound, Jeff Volk shares “we live in a vast ocean of sound, whose infinite waves ripple the shores of our awareness in myriad patterns of intricate design and immeasurably complex vibrations…permeating our bodies, our psyches, to the very core of our being.”


Music is something we all share.  It unites us, moves our body & emotions, can be uplifting, and connects us to the Source of creation.  I can’t imagine life without music.

The medicine of the future will be music and sound.  ~ Edgar Cayce

A new “frequency” is gaining popularity as a potential cure-all for a variety of conditions and ailments.   963Hz is considered the frequency of the gods and the 528Hz frequency is one of the solfeggio frequencies believed to reduce stress and promote relaxation.  These frequencies are said to have been used in ancient Gregorian chants.


In 2017, researchers from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics in University of Tehran, studied the effects of 528Hz frequency on human cells.  They discovered that this frequency increased cells viability by about 20%, reduced the level of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) production by up to 100%, and enhanced the ability to repair human DNA.


Like the crystalline rods of the pineal, the highly ordered crystal lattice Vogel discovered, and the crystal that can be shattered by frequency or made to sing when you excite it with resonant frequency (i.e. singing bowl), the structure of cells shares a fundamental order, symmetry, and interaction with light. 


From The Fountain“Every one of your more than 30 TRILLION cells have a crystalline structure that is capable of holding an energetic charge.  When the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field (aura) of the individual becomes excited.  This catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state.

“There will come a time when a diseased condition will not be described as it is today by the physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one would speak of a piano that was out of tune.”

~ Rudolf Steiner

Quantum Healing: Light Codes & Light Language

As our Consciousness expands and awareness evolves, it is possible to communicate with our quantum fields to create spontaneous remission, healing, and transformational shifts.  It takes practice. 


Written in the Bible (John 1:1-4) is “In the beginning was the Word.”  But before the word was the breath.  And before the breath was the light.  This is what I say in my transfiguration meditation.


What words & language might that have been? German, Italian or English as we know it today? Or is there an ancient language in which all living beings, things and forces on earth and even beyond can communicate with each other?  This has been called primal language, soul language, or light language.


The concept of light language suggests a profound interconnectedness and a universal means of communication, much like telepathy. This primal language is believed to be inherent within each of us, deeply rooted in our essence.


In the Bible there is the term “speaking in tongues”.  After the Holy Spirit appeared to the disciples, they spoke “in tongues” and everyone understood them. Light language is not only known in Christianity but appears in other cultures such as the Mormons, the Aborigines or Indian yoga teachers.


The concept of Light Language is best described by Michael Konig-Breuss.  I will do my best to paraphrase…it is thought that Light language is a mixture of all languages that exist on earth. It is assumed that originally there was ONE language.  After the Great Flood, humanity spoke a single language and migrated to ancient Mesopotamia & Babylon (Southern Iraq today).  There they built the Tower of Babel found in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 11:1-9).  Concerned with their intentions, God/Goddess intervened and confused their language.  Think of the phrase "just babbling." No longer able to communicate, they scattered across the world, forming different nations and cultures with distinct languages.  Even the name Babel (Babylon) is linked to the Hebrew verb “balal”, meaning to confuse or confound, symbolizing the confusion of languages.  The story is often interpreted as a lesson and the power/challenges of communication.


Spoken words often cause misunderstandings. Whenever we are dealing with mental problems, emotional blocks, or deeply personal issues, standard language is of little use. Facial expressions, gestures, intonation – all of these can lead to the other person understanding what we said differently than we meant it.   This leads to disputes and emotional stress.


The language of light is not understood and processed by the head, but in the heart. It is not fact-based, it is heart-based.  Transference is a superior form of communication where the mind does not “get in the way”.   Energetic transmission, like wireless power transfer and smart grids, is a multifaceted concept regarding the transfer of energy in various forms and contexts both physically and energetically.  Some people understand every word of the Light Language in their native language. They get simultaneous translation, just like with an interpreter.  It’s the Divine speaking through you.


You can´t LEARN this technique! It gets REAWAKENED within you.  It implies that we all have the potential to tap into this innate ability to communicate on a deeper level, beyond the limitations of spoken words. By reconnecting with this primal language, we can enhance our understanding, connection, and harmony with the world around us.


It is not quite correct to say: “I speak in light language”. It is more accurate to say, “I let the light language speak through me.” Because basically you are not speaking yourself, but a divine source is speaking through you. Soul language can be gentle & loving, powerful & determined, direct & demanding, depending on what your soul wants to express.


Exploring this soul language can be a transformative journey. It can open up new avenues of perception, intuition, and connection with others, nature, and the greater forces at play.


According to the Brotherhood of Light, channeled by Ellen Redd: Those who receive this energetic data at the beginning usually store it in the subconscious mind to marinate in conscious awareness, to allow the being to integrate the codes. This is important to understand as many are eager to receive more downloads and are often rushing to the next level, unaware of the processes taking place in the subconscious mind and psyche. One should always remember to be patient with oneself, as the system will malfunction if it receives too much light at a time before the physical vessel and psyche are ready to receive it.



Once harmonious balance is restored between the left and right hemispheres of your brain, it activates the bridge with the mind to the higher heart, creating a third energy.  Once you begin to understand the mechanics, activation of the light code can be received into your DNA.


When the brain and heart are functioning as a whole, this begins to activate quantum codes on the chromosomes of your DNA that will expand your photoreceptors within the human mechanical design, allowing you to perceive higher states of spiritual vision. This also activates the remaining ten etheric strands of DNA and activates your light body.

However, the possibilities of application are limitless. For example, it is possible to communicate in soul language with an electronic object, such as a cell phone, and thereby remove the harmful electromagnetic radiation. Also, you can solve problems and tensions in your relationship with your partner that you can’t handle through normal conversations.  As you heal your energy and learn to integrate the light flows, you will be able to access the akashic records encoded within you.


Redd’s channeled message continued:  These upgrades allow you to physically see higher dimensional light forms, such as galactic beings.   We have prepared you for many years and provided many of you with astral experiences, dreams, light language activations, and many different methods to activate you and prepare you for full disclosure. We wish to inform you that full disclosure will occur for individuals as they prepare themselves energetically.

“We are slowed down sound & light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the music of the cosmos, we are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments, and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.” ~ Albert Einstein

In my July 2023 musings, I said…As new quantum devices flood the market (such as EESystem scalar energy) there is more and more evidence to support their efficacy.  It is believed that the use of special tones and sounds can be used to open up any blocks, heal deficiencies, and balance the chakrasBlocks and imbalances in the biofield or LEF can cause physical and/or emotional stress leading to dis-ease.


Like the singer shattering glass, vibration and frequency can also be used on microorganisms like fungi, bacteria, viruses, and parasites as each have their own unique frequency.  Targeting a specific frequency, you can selectively disable or defeat harmful pathogens without harming the individual.  Medical scientists have been using resonant frequency for years to break up kidney stones and excite individual cancerous cells within a tumor to destroy it.


Energy-based healing uses various forms (light, electromagnetic, sound, scalar) to influence the body’s natural processes and promote healing.  Cells have charged molecules that can respond to electrical fields from the outside.  Based on the idea that the body is an interconnected system, specific frequencies (or mortal oscillatory rate) are used to target and interact with the body’s cells and systems, trying to restore and return health.


While there have not been any large, controlled clinical trials to evaluate these devices, researchers recently started experimenting and have concluded low-frequency electromagnetic waves do affect tumors and don’t impact noncancerous cells.  Since these forms of technology pose no major health risks, they are preferred by many over the side effects of traditional treatments.


Healing Modalities

There is a wide range of products and devices designed to rebalance your personal vibration frequency and your home environment so I will only share a few that I have personally used. 



The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) is a technology that generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves, photonic energy, and biophotonic light.  Developed over more than 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, it is designed to promote cellular regeneration, improve immune function, and enhance overall health.  It is based on the idea that exposing the body to these energy fields can help balance and rejuvenate the body’s energy systems.


Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation, uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate cellular function, reduce inflammation, accelerate tissue repair, and alleviate pain.  The therapy works by penetrating the skin and being absorbed by the cells, which can enhance mitochondrial function and increase cellular energy (ATP production).  It is clinically proven to help the body recover from a variety of conditions by supporting the body’s own healing mechanisms. 


Another form of LLLT is Cold Laser Therapy.  Unlike surgical lasers that heat tissue to destroy tumors, this therapy is called “cold” because the low levels of light won’t damage body tissues and cells.  It can be used to improve blood circulation, diminish inflammation, relieve pain & accelerate tissue repair.

RoXiva Hypnagogic Stroboscopic Light & Sound Therapy

The roXiva lamp uses pioneering technology in light, music, and brain optimization techniques. Brainwave entrainment (BWE), also known as audio visual entrainment (AVE), is the term used for the effect an external source of regular beats, flashes or vibrations has on entraining and synchronizing the brains own frequency to that of the external stimulation. This device uses a fusion of light and sound with 16 LEDs and more than 50 programs.   EEG measurements show that our brain operates in bands of brainwave frequencies. The theta state is considered a deep meditative state.  By purposely entraining the brain to that frequency, a state of relaxation can be produced.   


This is an expensive device so you may want to try a session first.  They say it puts you into a deep trance which some say feels like a drug-free psychedelic trip…I did not enjoy this experience at all!



According to Salt of the Earth, the BioCharger is “one of the most advanced subtle energy devices on the market, with thousands of programs to choose from.”  Dr. Jerry Tennant’s book Healing is Voltage points out that all chronic disease has a common characteristic – inadequate cellular function.  The BioCharger replicates the 4 essential energies found in nature to restore proper cellular voltage, recharging and revitalizing the body.  It emits a range of frequencies that resonate with the body's natural energy fields, promoting overall well-being.  It combines various types of energy, including electromagnetic light and sound waves, and integrates principles from several energy therapies, such as Rife frequencies, PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields), and light & sound wave therapy, to support the body's healing processes.


Similarly, the AmpCoil also uses PEMF and sound therapy to reach deep into the body.


RIFE Machine

Invented nearly a century ago, the RIFE (Resonance Initiated Field Effect) machine, named after Dr. Royal Rife, is an electronic device containing a phanotron plasma tube that generates specific electromagnetic waves or frequencies to target and eliminate harmful microorganisms & pathogens and promote healing. Believing that every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency, Rife theorized that by sending an electrical impulse identical to the cell’s unique electromagnetic frequency, also known as radionics, he believed these low-energy radio waves can destroy cancer-causing microbes, pathogens, viruses, and diseased cells and has been demonstrated to be useful for many conditions including Lyme disease.  (I purchased one of these and am happy to rent it out.

There are many other “Zappers” out there ranging from $100 to $6,000, so do your own research.  This list will help you learn the differences.  Here are a few more I am aware of but have not used:


Spooky2 - Rife Machine & Scalar

Spooky2’s RIFE uses 5 transmission modes:  plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser, and audio.  Its database contains more than 50,000 programs and has a large online community of users.  The Scalar transmits healing scalar waves – pure, molecular, and rife.


The Zapper

Dr. Hulda Clark, author of The Cure for All Diseases, invented the zapper which is a small frequency generator connected to electrodes that are placed on the body.  Like the RIFE, it is designed to eliminate parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens from the body using low-voltage electrical currents.


Unlike the original RIFE machine which contains a plasma tube, these use audio frequencies.  While they claim to be a RIFE machine, a better term would be contact pad devices.  While more affordable, they often contain a limited number of frequencies.

AMI 500 Sound Device

The Acoustic Meridian Intelligence (AMI) devices speak the language of the cells and bring the body back to its natural resonance with sound that it recognizes.  By applying the device using a “Three Point System,” an energy grid is created in the body using the body’s own messaging system for optimum results, which continues long after the sound session is complete.


Closing thoughts...

Energy mechanics first begins within your energy field of Consciousness on your journey of Self-realization.

The pineal gland is believed to play a crucial role in spiritual alchemy and human consciousness. Disney, through its storytelling and symbolism, has often explored themes related to mystical and metaphysical concepts. Nikola Tesla extensively studied frequencies and their effects on both matter and energy, contributing to our understanding of how sound, light, and vibrations can influence physical and mental states. This ties into the concept of quantum mechanics, where particles and energy exhibit behavior that defies classical physics, providing a framework for quantum healing practices that utilize frequencies and vibrations to promote health and well-being. Together, these elements illustrate a fascinating intersection of science and spirituality, highlighting the profound impact of frequency, sound & light on both our physical reality and spiritual experiences. 


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