Resources and Links to Help You Stay Organized
The benefit of hiring any type of "coach" is that they can bring a new perspective that is personalized to your specific needs.
I am not affiliated with any of the people, resources/services I recommend.
I just like them!
One of the most effective ways to get rid of paper clutter is to stop it before it gets in the front door. www.PrivacyRights.org has a ton of fact sheets available with reliable information for reducing junk mail, understanding how you got on the mailing lists in the first place, and more importantly how to get your name off and stay off! How To Tips Sheet: https://privacyrights.org/resources/reducing-junk-mail
Junk Mail - Junk mail wastes an incredible amount of natural resources as well as your valuable time. Stop unwanted catalogs and junk mail with www.stopthejunkmail.com, www.myjunktree.com, or http://privacycouncil.org/about/.
Catalogs - Call and cancel all unwanted catalogs (you will need the customer number and source code on the back of the catalog.) When canceling, request that they not sell your name! This will decrease the number of catalogs you will receive in the future. Or go to www.catalogchoice.org, a free service that helps you unsubscribe from hundreds of catalogs.
Phone Books - 540 million unsolicited phone books are delivered across the U.S. every year using 19 million tress, 1.6 billion pounds of paper and 7.2 million barrels of oil. To eliminate unwanted phone books, consider signing up at www.yellowpagesgoesgreen.org or www.yellowpagesoptout.com. You can opt out of all the directories available in your zip code.
Credit Card Offers - By registering with www.optoutprescreen.com/opt_form.cgi, your name will be removed from unsolicited credit card and insurance offers, cutting down on unwanted mail and clutter.
Marketing Mailing Lists - By registering with Direct Mail Association's Mail Preference Service, your name will be removed from the majority of direct mail lists. www.dmachoice.org/register.php.
Phone Solicitation - Get your name removed from unwanted telemarketers by adding your name to the "Do Not Call" list, www.donotcall.gov. Block robocall & telemarketing calls with www.nomorobo.com/signup. Don't forget to add your cell phone too!
Political Phone Solicitation - Relief for those who want to be left alone, courtesy of the National Political Do Not Contact Registry, https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/stop-unwanted-robocalls-and-texts.
With statements and receipts piling up from banks, investments, and the government, it's often not clear which documents to keep and for how long. In the absence of direction, many people keep everything! The following websites offer some excellent guidelines on what to keep, where, and for how long. (These websites are recommended only as a guideline. For specific advice, please consult your attorney or accountant.)
Want to digitize insurance information as well are receipts?
Toss your paper receipts and computerize them with www.neat.com
Check your bank and credit card statements diligently every month to make sure all the charges are accurate. NEVER give out personal information or your social security number. The Postal Inspection Service is ready to help.
Protect yourself from identity theft and always destroy confidential materials that contains personal or account information. A small shredder can be purchased for as little as $15 and can save you a lot of headaches.
If you are purging years of documents, consider www.infoshred.com to help you dispose of the information securely. They will come to your home with a mobile industrial sized shredder and destroy the items in front of you! If you're in New England, try https://nedocs.com/ or local in Brookfield, CT https://www.secureecoshred.com/. Also try https://productsservices.sourceamerica.org/ for scanning, shredding, storage and document destruction services.
Reviewing your credit report frequently is an important tool in being vigilant against identity theft. Under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, consumers can obtain a FREE credit report once every 12 months from each of the 3 consumer credit reporting companies - Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Instead of getting all 3 at once, get a different once every 4 months, making a recurring reminder in your planner/computer. This ensures that there have been no changes throughout the year. www.annualcreditreport.com.
What to do if you are the victim of identity theft, https://www.edelmanfinancialengines.com/insights/tax-and-finance/what-to-do-if-you-are-a-victim-of-identity-theft and how to prevent identity theft https://www.edelmanfinancialengines.com/insights/tax-and-finance/10-things-you-shouldnt-carry-with-you
For real peace of mind, prevent your identity from being stolen before it happens, www.lifelock.com
Are you a victim of cyberbullying, online harassment, gossip or slander? Create a Google Alert for your name and you'll receive an email anytime you are mentioned somewhere online. Other companies that provide advice and can help you wipe away the lies are www.wiredsafety.org and www.reputationdefender.com.
When you know you can donate your items to a good cause, it makes the process of letting go easier.
General Websites
Recycling / ReUse Centers - Local information on recycling and ways to make a difference. www.earth911.org
These Charities will also take your reusable clothing and household items. For drop locations or to schedule a pick up, visit https://www.mymove.com/moving/guides/free-donation-pickup/
Frugal Living Resources - Being frugal is more than just learning how to save money. Try out some of the tips on http://www.gogoshopper.com/resources/frugal-living-resources.html
Garage Sale Tips - This website has some good tips to clean, organize and sell your stuff. https://www.daveramsey.com/blog/garage-sale-tips and https://www.thespruce.com/garage-sale-tips-that-will-make-you-money-4163850
Junk Removal - Finally ready to clean out your attic, garage, or basement but daunted by the idea of what to do with the discards? www.800gotjunk.com and https://www.collegehunkshaulingjunk.com will unload and dispose of your unwanted stuff.
Moving/Downsizing - MaxSold will help with online downsizing and estate sale auctions.
Online Invitations - Rather than purchasing invites and paying for postage, consider a paperless alternatie like www.paperlesspost.com or evite.com.
Specific Items (listed alphabetically)
Appliances - Check out www.recycle-steel.org
Blankets, Towels & Linens - Donate to your local animal shelter or the Humane Society. For CT: http://www.cthumane.org
Building Materials - Check with your local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store. www.habitat.org/env/restores.aspx
Carpets - Try www.carpetrecovery.org
Cars, Boats, RVs - Consider a tax-deductible donation to Purple Heart or HelpOurVeterans.org and support our troops, Heritage for the Blind at www.hftb.org. Both will come pick up your vehicle. Or try Kars4Kids where they sell the car at auction and proceeds help children in need.
Clothing - Here are some places to donate your formal dresses https://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/donate-prom-dresses.html. Donate your business attire to help low-income women transition back into the workforce at www.dressforsuccess.org or the Corporate Closet. Of course you can also donate clothing and other household goods to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. Be sure to list the value of your items for tax purposes. https://www.thebalance.com/donation-value-guide-4172778
Computer Hardware - It's important to wipe your computer hard drives according to the Department of Defense standards so your information is not stolen. You might want to hire a computer professional to wipe it for you. Any equipment that is too old to donate, can be donated to local schools, churches or non-profit organizations or recycled through www.hp.com/recycle or your local Staples office store will recycle it for you. You can also donate your computer to the National Cristina Foundation at www.cristina.org. They will pick up the equipment for a minimal fee (to cover pick-up and recycling costs) and recycle it!
Crayons, Coloring Books & Stuffed Animals - Make a kid smile, send them to www.projectsmile.org
Electronics, Etc. - Recycle your old CDs and DVDs at www.cdrecyclingcenter.com. To recycle your Ipod, go to www.apple.com/environment/recycling/ipodrecycling. Need to unload your Cell Phone, PDA, or accessories? Try www.sellmycellphones.com. Some additional places to sell or recycle your electronics... www.gazelle.com, https://www.squaretrade.com/, Keystone Technology and www.mygreenelectronics.org will tell you where the nearest electronics recycling center is.
Expired Coupons - Did you know that expired coupons can be sent to troops stationed overseas? They can use them for 6 months after the expiration date. It's 100% legal and each overseas base has a USA address so it is a local mailing. Go to www.ocpnet.org and get the details. How redeeming!
Eye Glasses - Drop off old glasses or sunglasses to Lens Crafters or Costco and they'll make them good as new and deliver then to those in need around the world through the Gift of Sight program. www.lenscrafters.com Also try www.neweyesfortheneedy.org
Fleece - Donate any brand fleece jackets made from Polartec and Capilene to be melted and made into clothes. www.patagonia.com/recycle.
Fluorescent Bulbs - While fluorescent light bulbs save energy, improper disposal of them creates a hazard. Instead of saving them until your local hazardous waste day, you can drop them off at the service desk of your local Home Depot.
Magazines/Comics - Donate your old magazines/comics to literacy programs. https://magliteracy.org/recycle/
Mattress - Did you know that more than 80% of a used mattress's components can be recycled? If you local landfill doesn't accept your old mattress, try https://byebyemattress.com/
New toys, books & games - Furnish the playrooms of a Ronald McDonald House. www.rmhc.org
Old Linens - Drop off sheets, towels, pillows, blankets, and comforters for animal bedding to your local animal shelter or www.aspca.org
Paint - For unwanted or leftover paint, http://www.paintcare.org/
Pillow Cases - Send your old pillow cases to "Little Dresses for Africa" where they are made into dresses and distributed to orphanages sending hope to little girls that they are worthy.
Printer Cartridges - 90% of all cartridges are recyclable yet only 20% are reused, leaving about 300 million at the landfill! Buy recycled, refilled toner and ink cartridges and return the units to the store's drop-off spot on the same trip (Cartridge World, OfficeMax, Walgreens, etc.). For brand compatible cartridge models, visit www.PGInkjets.com.
Sneakers & Running Shoes - Reuse-a-shoe accepts worn out athletic shoes of any brand which are recycled into sports surfaces for youth around the world. www.letmeplay.com/reuseashoe or www.nikereuseashoe.com. Soles4Souls collects used and new shoes for those in need www.soles4souls.org or try their other divisions. ww.clothes4souls.org and www.hope4souls.org
Sports Gear - Kids will be thrilled to hit the playground with your old rejects by donating to https://pickupplease.org/donate-sports-equipment/ or https://www.levelingtheplayingfield.org/. Gather up your baseballs and basketballs to go to Third World countries www.nays.org, or mail this non-profit company your loot www.sportsgift.org.
Textbooks - Sell back gently used books at www.cash4books.net or Sellbackyourbook.com. Enter the ISBN number and they tell you what they will pay. If interested, they will pay the shipping. You can also try www.chegg.com.
Wedding or Bridesmaid Dresses - Wedding dresses are often stashed away in closets, never to be seen again. However, some dresses are being transformed into angel gowns for precious babies who never make it home from the hospital. Dresses are turned into beautiful burial garments for babies and are given to hospitals for the grieving families. www.heavenlyanglesinneed.com or you can donate your "angel gown" to NICU Helping Hands, 301 Commerce St, Ste 3200, Houston, TX 76102
Yoga Mats - Keep your old yoga mats out of the landfill and help "upcycle" them into other products. Manduka will take your old yoga mat - any brand - when you purchase a new mat from them. Here are some other ideas to reuse your mat https://www.yogaaccessories.com/ways-to-recycle-old-yoga-mats#
Send Your Clutter to...
The Troops - Check out the list of things the military could use. https://www.osotamerica.org/comfort-and-care-package-program/products-needed/
Goodwill - Find a local Goodwill store and find out how to donate. https://www.goodwill.org/donate/donate-stuff/
The Salvation Army - Pick up may be available for clothing and furniture. www.salvationarmy.org
Big Brothers Big Sisters - Donate your gently used household items and clothing. Need to schedule a pick up in Southwestern Connecticut? Call (877) 399-2570. www.bbbs.org
Freecycle - With more than 4 million members posting messages, this is the place to go if you want to unload clutter quickly. Post what your selling, goes to the first responder, leave on your front porch, and its gone! www.freecycle.org
Craig's List - Free online classified ads. Look here if you want to sell or donate items. www.craigslist.org/about/sites.html
Resellers - There are a lot of great resellers who will provide their expertise and help you sell your goods. They keep a percent of the proceeds but you don't have any of the hassles. Try www.ebay.com.
Don't Agonize...Organize & Containerize!
Never go to a store or make a purchase on-line without measuring first! Make sure your organizers fit the space.
Container Store - An excellent source for both ideas and shopping, www.containerstore.com
Ikea - A great solution for storage at reasonable prices, www.ikea.com/ms/en_us
Rev-A-Shelf - The world's largest manufacturer of functional cabinet storage organizing solutions. www.rev-a-shelf.com
Pottery Barn & Pottery Barn Kids - Fun and functional containers. Try www.potterybarn.com or www.potterybarnkids.com
The Organized Lifestyle - For those who don't know what products are out there, this will help you organize your home, www.theorganizedlifestylestore.com
Thousands of products to organize your home, office and business and tools to simplify your busy life. www.organize.com
Paper Files & Digital Files - Neat Receipts is one of the best-selling mobile scanner and digital filing system. It can scan receipts, business cards, and documents while the software identifies, extracts and organizes key information. . Awesome self purging filing system from Freedom Filer.
Photo & Memorabilia Management - Full-service memory celebration company for paper and digital photos, memorabilia, or digital organization. www.creativememories.com You can also try Scan Digital for scanning pictures, slides, and negatives. www.scandigital.com
See Jane Work - For fun and funky items for the office, www.seejanework.com
Go Green! Are you doing your part to help the environment?
Clean & Green House - You only need ONE ingredient for all your cleaning & household needs...Vinegar! Check out the list of 150+ Uses for Vinegar from Reader's Digest
Green Your Life - Explore resources for simplicity at www.newdream.org. Calculate your carbon footbprint at www.earthday.net.
Green Power - 37 states offer green energy but you may not know if your power company is one of them. Visit www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower. Buy carbon offsets to finance renewable-energy projects at www.nativeenergy.com.
Earth Friendly Energy - Explore wind energy alternatives at www.awea.org. For more info on rebates and tax breaks, go to the Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy at www.dsireusa.org.
Sustainable & Ethical Investing - Explore how to Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) to achieve financial freedom while insisting on "raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace." (Mother Teresa) Try out these sites www.socialinvest.org, www.socialfunds.com, www.greenmoneyjournal.com, or www.michaelbluejay.com.
Green Plug - Donate all those cable cords and chargers! The Green Plus is an universal, energy-efficient plug for DC-powered devices including cell phones, PDAs, laptops, printers, digital cameras, camcorders, cordless, drills, MP3 players, and dozens of common devices that require individual chargers. Plus the charging base/hub will power down when not in use saving electricity. www.greenplug.us
Solar - To find out more about solar electricity try www.solarenergy.org or www.sebane.org. Or check out this online guide to solar energy and company comparisons https://www.consumeraffairs.com/solar-energy/#
Sustainable Food - Find locally produced organic and sustainable food by entering you zip code. www.eatwellguide.org, search www.localharvest.org for farmers' markets, green grocers and food co-ops in your area, or get educated on food labels at www.greenerchoices.org.
Natural Beauty Products - See some of the best products available on Goodtrade or Glamour.
Environmental News - "Gloom and Doom with a sense of humor" www.grist.org. Other excellent new sources are www.enn.com and www.ens-newswire.com. Read the consumer's guide to the green revolution at https://the-daily-green.com/ or take the green quiz on National Geographic.
One Stop Shop - For green news, solutions and product information, try the green blog www.treehugger.com which excels at tapping into trends in environmental thinking or www.lowimpactliving.com
How we Impact the Planet - plastic bottles, transportation, and appliance electricity.
Sites for Savings
Smart Savings - Billy negotiates great deasl on groceries, clothes, entertainment, insurance, etc. www.billy.com
Virtual Assistant - Alice sells direct from the manufacturer. Set up an account and you'll receive a 15% discount and free shipping. www.alice.com
Conserve Cash - This handy money site will reveal how much you spend on different categories after you allow access to your bank and credit card transactions and balances. The colored graphics will help you create a budget and learn that fiscal restraining can be fun! www.mint.com
Shrink Bills - Kiplinger offers some websites to lower your bills.
Cleaning for a Reason - This cleaning service provides free housecleaning for women undergoing chemotherapy. www.cleaningforareason.org
Cost Saving Driving Service - www.iDriveYourCar,com is a cost effective transportation option for clients using their own car and gas.
Barter & Borrow - Check out these online "collaborative consumption" networks to reduce the need to buy new stuff:
Lend or rent household items: www.neighborgoods.net
Trade, sell or borrow stylish clothing and accessories: https://www.rehashclothes.com/ or https://www.fashionrevolution.org/clothes-swap/
Trade outgrown kids' clothes: www.thredup.com
For electronics, video games and more, try www.swap.com
Book lovers, check out www.bookmooch.com
If you would like to rent out - share - your car by the hour to others who need wheels, https://turo.com/
Other Sites of Interest
Are you a Hoarder? - Put your clutter in perspective...there may be people who are worse than you! Download this Clutter-Hoarding Scale.
Book Lovers - If you're an avid read, simple create a list of books you want to read at www.paperspine.com, get them in the mail, keep the books as long as you want, then return the books to receive more on your list. Nearly 200,000 titles starting at $9.95 a month.
Forgetting Special Events? - Never forget another birthday, anniversary or special event. www.sendoutcards.com will print and mail REAL cards for you. Choose from thousands of cards, use your own handwriting font, and add a personal message or signature all for $0.98 a card plus postage. Perfect for personal and business use. Check it out!
Donate a Cow to Empower a Family - For many families a cow (or sheep or llama) can be life-changing by enabling agricultural self-reliance. Contact Heifer International at www.heifer.org
Quit Smoking - How meditation and alternative medicine helps people quit smoking or the American Cancer Society.
Gifts of Giving - For some unique gifts to give, try out www.oxfam.org
Made in the USA - Did you ever wonder where all the USA products are? There are still plenty of items still made here. Please support your country by visiting these sites. (You can also type in "Made in the USA" in your web browser and you'll find an array of additional sites to visit!)
Bicycles: Waterford Precision Cycles, Worksman Cycle
Cookware: All Clad Metalcrafters, Calphalon Cookware, Lodge Manufacturing, Nordicware
Cutlery: Bear and Son Cutlery, Red Hill Cutlery (Canal Street), Case Knives, Ontario Knife
Flags: American Flags
Hats: Bailey Hats, Henchel Hats, Resistol Hats, Stetson Hats, Stratton Hats
Jeans: All American Clothing, Buddy's Jeans, Certified Jeans, Diamond Gusset Jeans, Lucky Brand Jeans, McKenzie Tribe Jeans, Pointer Brand Jeans, Schaeffer Outfitter, Texas Jeans, Union Line Jeans
Shirts: American Made Shirts, Camber USA, Columbia Knit, King Louie, Union Shirt Supply, Sovereign Maunfacturing (Big and Tall), White Dress Shirts
Shoes & Boots: Abilene Boot, Allen Edmunds Shoes, American Made Workboots, Chippewa Boots, USA made Danner Boots, Double H Boots, Friedson Brothers Fine Boots, Justin Boots, New Balance Shoes, Northerner Boots by Norcross Saftey Products, SAS Shoes, Onex Shoes@Zappos Shoes, Tic-Tac-Toes, Weinbrenner Shoes, The Boot Pro, Shoebuy.com
Tools: Snap On Tools, Craftsman Tools@Sears.com, JH Williams Tools, Midwest Rakes, Mac Tools, Milwaukee Tool, S-K Tools, Seymor Manufacturing, QPI-Bully Tools, Union Tool
Acts of Kindness
For Wounded Soldiers - Send a handwritten postcard for them to read upon arrival at the U.S. Military Hospital in Landstuhl, Germany. Mail yours to 21st TSC, Medical Transient Detachment, Attn: Soldier's Angels, Unit 23203, APO AE 09263.
For the Planet - Save landfill space by recycling used library, membership and gift cards instead of throwing them away. Send them to Earthworks System, c/o Halperin Industries, 25840 Miles Road, Bedford, OH 44146.
For Sick Kids - Comfort them with DVDs when they're undergoing chemotherapy and other treatments in pediatric hospitals. Send movies to KidFlicks/Barta, 11755 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1450, Los Angeles, CA 90025.
Daily OM - Sign up for a daily dose of inspiration that will nurture your body, mind and soul, www.dailyom.com
Self Growth - SelfGrowth.com is the most complete guide to information about Self -Improvement, Personal Growth and Self
Help on the Internet - It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles and references to thousands of other Web Sites on the World Wide Web.
Do Nice Things - Every Monday, get ideas for doing good deeds and read inspirational profiles about people who do them. www.doonenicething.com. Recent studies show that giving to others releases oxytocin, the "feel good" hormone.
Messages from The Universe - Sign up for Inspirational messages based on the Law of Attraction www.tut.com/theclub/